Global Project & Multimodal Forwarding
Whose main characteristics are unique to this project and will never be the same as other previous or subsequent projects.
The magnitude of a project varies greatly from one customer to another, but in all cases the situation is the same: each project is of great importance to our client and this is how we treat it. Our organization, personnel and working methods are optimized to address the implementation of a project as a unique, independent job with a limited period of execution.
The application of this philosophy means that when we are a warded a project it is our organization that adapts to this project and the customer, and not vice versa. Most projects involve logistical coordination of very different cargo consignments, from very diverse origins to a single delivery point. All these dynamics must be coordinated with precision, safety, and by continually adapting ourselves to
the changing needs of our customers. Ongoing, timely and accurate information is essential.
To perform this task we have highly qualified personnel who follow a rigorous internal training programme, a global network of agents who we have selected over the years based on strict criteria of quality and reliability, we are members of the Specialized Carriers and Rigging Association and we have our exclusive management software, developed in-house, and optimized for managing projects. To this, we must add our extensive experience in Heavy-Lift Transport and our concept of « transport engineering » that we apply to major transport projects.